I certify that this application was completed by me and I certify that all information in this applicaton is true and correct. I understand that if LEGACY6 INC discovers that I have omitted employment history information, or provided false, incomplete or misleading information, it will be grounds for my immediate termination.
I hereby authorize investigation of all statements in this application and agree to waive, hold harmless, and release from all liability my previous employers(s) and any third party listed herein, or any outside party contacted to verify the information provided in this application. Similarly, I release LEGACY6 INC from any claims or causes of action associated with its efforts to verify this information.
I further acknowledge that if I am hired, my employment at LEGACY6 INC will be "at will", meaning that both LEGACY6 INC and I have the right to termination my employment "at will" at any time, with or without cause and with or without prior notice.